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Standardized Chamilo buttons


Standardized Chamilo buttons

Attention!  The content of this website is neither developed nor supported by the HOGENT communication department. Please contact dr. Cornelis Stal for more information, suggestions or questions.

Welcome to this tool to generate standardized buttons for your Chamilo course


  1. Go to the Chamilo course you want to process and copy the URL;
  2. Select the layout (simple or full) and select the language;
  3. Give the name of the course;
  4. For full series of buttons:
    1. Paste the URL in the URL-field;
    2. Fill in your email address
  5. Press 'Submit'. The source code is automatically generated, as well as an example of the button structure
  6. Press 'Copy code' and paste it under 'Introduction page' as 'source code'

Source code

Press 'Copy code' to copy the code below.

Your code will appear here...
